
October 06, 2004

Going On A Road Trip

Brian Campbell was interviewed today on the TEAM 1200 with Gross and Galley.

He is back in town to participate in the Memorial Cup reunion Friday night, and will be taking practice at the Civic Centre later today.

Campbell said he's not sure he's looking forward to being yelled at by Killer again, but he is looking forward to seeing everyone.

It sounds like it will be a good night Friday. Too bad that StatsGuy and I won't be there. We're going on a Road Trip, and hope to make it to the game when the 67s play in Peterborough tomorrow night.

Won't have any updates for awhile.

Oh, one more note: 'The Buzz On Junior Hockey' with Buzz and Gross on TEAM 1200 is set to return this Friday. Guests to include Jeff Hunt.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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