
November 24, 2004

Update On Tsimikalis #2

There is an update on 'Tsimikalisgate'. First, an article in the Ottawa Sun by Don Brennan (Killer says he has no grudge with forward). And another article by Chris Yzerman in the Ottawa Sun (Unhappy 67 weighs 'big call').

And, of course the bb is awash with posts on who is to blame --- some say Tsimikalis, some say Killer. They post rumours?/ truth?/ half-truths? to prove their position (like Tsimikalis is a prima donna or that Killer has favourites). I hope all this speculation doesn't negatively affect either party in their decision making process.

This is the part I don't like about hockey, or sports in general. I don't like hearing or reading things (that may or may not be true, how do I know?) about players or coaches that, ultimately, leads me to think differently about them.

The bigger question is, how do you separate the person from the position, or should this be done? I'm assuming that all of the talk and the newspaper articles arise from the idea that the general community cares about the individuals involved, and only want the best for both parties. But when does the situation get out of hand? I care about the team, and hope that players not only further their own careers, but also assist the team in advancing.

Staying away from these boards is probably the best thing for me to do, so I am not going to post speculatively about this particular topic anymore. When Tsimikalis is officially back, I'll post that. If he is traded I'll post that. And for the record, I do hope that he comes back. He is very talented, and I enjoy watching him play.

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