
January 27, 2005

See They CAN Do It!

A quote from Van Herpt in the Ottawa Sun by Don Brennan (67's getting tough on bullies:

Van Herpt spoke about the importance of working together.

"You have to help each other out," he said. "In hockey, if somebody isn't pulling their weight, the other team could have a chance to score. If somebody is not pulling their weight in a class project, you might not hit the mark you could hit ... you might fail."

Van Herpt also shared with the students a story that illustrated why it's important never to give up.

A road trip to Oshawa earlier this season took three hours longer than usual because of poor weather conditions, and by the time the 67's arrived, they were rushed into getting ready for game time. By the end of the first period they were down 3-0, but ultimately regrouped and wound up with a 6-6 tie.

"We could have easily quit, but we didn't," he said. "It's the same with you guys. If you don't have a good first term, don't give up."

Now this is what they should have posted in the dressing room.

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