It is clearly a labour of love for the Booster Club members, volunteers and executives and the efforts and results are clearly appreciated by the players. It's all very impressive.
To acknowledge the 20 years of dedication and contributions to the Ottawa 67's players, Brian Kilrea presented the executives with two gifts on behalf of the Ottawa 67's club. One is a plaque that lists the gifts that the club have donated in the past with places to note the gifts that will be given in the future. The other is a team photo.

Fans of all ages chat with the players, get autographs and take pictures...and then there's the awards.
The first award of the evening was for the Best Defensive Player. This year's award went to overager Travis Gibbons.

It was followed up by the award for the best Offensive Player. No surprise there - Tyler Toffoi.

Best Two-Way Player: Thomas Nesbitt

Brian Kilrea Trophy: Thomas Nesbitt

Fan Favourites: It was a tie - Tyler Toffoli and Petr Mrazek

Jon Abbott presented the first Team1200 Hardest Working 67's Trophy. Jon said that choosing just one player as the hardest worker was hard since the expectation from club management is that everyone works hard. Notwithstanding a difficult task, Jon presented the first Team1200 Trophy to Petr Mrazek.

CTV-Ottawa Sportscaster Terry Marcotte was on hand to present the Brian Smith (Smitty) Trophy for Community Work to Travis Gibbons.

Terry also presented the Bill Patterson Trophy for Rookie of the Year to Sean Monahan.

It was a very enjoyable evening....taking photos, chatting with some of the players and some of the folks who make the game-day experience enjoyable, and witnessing the obvious affection between the Booster Club members and the players.
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