
August 27, 2004

Killer's P*ssed And So Are We

The Ottawa Sun has published an article today regarding Wharton's injury. According to the story, Wharton was playing in a scrimmage match with Ottawa Senator's defenceman Chris Neil. They were taking part in a summer conditioning camp run by Garry Galley. The two got tangled up around the net area when Neil slashed Wharton over the left arm. Neil says that it was not intentional, but instinctive. [Yeah, that makes it better. Your first instictive reaction when a younger player gets in your face is to lash out physically. He's such a tough guy to be able to take out a junior!]

The reporter spoke with Brian Kilrea, who was not pleased and had some harsh comments for Neil. "I just feel it's one of those things where it's unnecessary to prove how tough you are. He had to prove he's Chris Neil." [Way to go Killer!]

I just want to say that I'm so sick of athletes that react violently (i.e., Bertuzzi, Perezhogin) and then try to explain it afterwards by saying it was instinctive. If that level of violence is your first reaction, you've got a BIG problem.

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