
December 01, 2004

Props For Commentators

They are discussing the best OHL commentators on NOOF.

FX4: the guys who do the 67's radio broadcasts, Dave Schreiber and A.K. Jacuvic (sp?) are great. they're knowledgeable, balanced and interesting. they are so good that i prefer to listen to them while watching the action on tv for away games.

Now, I believe we in Ottawa are truly spoiled having Dave Schreiber, aka the Voice. And the young’uns that have worked alongside him have been pretty good too --- AJ Jakubec this year (though I’m still trying to adjust to his home score call: sssscoooooooooorrrrrrrrrreeeeeeee), Matt Haimer(?sp) last year, Lee Versage on Rogers (oh, how he cracks me up). And I can’t forget these two gentlemen Dave Gross and Buzz. They all have an interest in, knowledge of, and love for junior hockey. It clearly shows.

Outside Ottawa, the first name that comes to mind is Jack Miller. I could sit and listen to this man talk all day long . . . his voice is soooo lovely. I would sit and listen to him read his grocery list.

And then there's this:

bush-lager:Watching the OHL / Russia game last evening & listening to Peter Loubardias try to be more expressive than Foster Hewit, repeat himself over & over & trying to be a one man band i thought i would sooner listen to Kermit the Frog. He did let his co-host get the odd stat. in.(sometimes)

I want to join my name to those that take issue with Sportsnet’s Peter “ske-yores” Loubardias. I just cannot listen to his supposed play-by-play. I think somebody needs to tell him just exactly what play-by-play consists of, because he talks so much about stats and backstory that why have the colour man beside him.

When I discover that he is doing the, um, supposed play-by-play, the first thing I do is groan really loud, “Oh, not the ske-yores guy, please.” Next, inevitably my hubby and I start with the imitation (ske-yores, great Sa-ha-ha-ave by . . . , and what a sh-ot by . . . You must begin in a high voice, and end in a low voice to get it right - we’re taking Drama here, with a big D). I usually mute the TV when he is on and gamely attempt to do the play-by-play myself. I just cannot get that “ske-yores” out of my head . . . see, now all I can think about is “ske-yores”. Yuck.


MikeM said...

Gotta agree, Loubardias is painful to listen to. Jakubek has been pretty good in the games I've listened to although yeah, he's gotta save that big goal call for a Mem Cup winning goal or something. It's overkill.

Sid said...

Yeah, I get that they're all trying to create their own 'personality', but some are a little hard to listen to.

And I shouldn't complain too much about Sportsnet . . . at the very least they're broadcasting the junior games.